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Inaugural eBay Van Conversion of the Year Awarded

Van conversions have become increasingly popular in recent years and eBay has jumped on the trend by searching for the best of the bunch in its inaugural Van Conversion of the Year Awards. The awards were open for anyone who has converted a van, whether it be for professional purposes or to live and travel in.

Hundreds of entries were received and Paul White’s ‘AmBEERlance’ - a mobile bar - was chosen as the winning van, netting White £10,000 in the process. Other categories were covered with the ‘AmBEERlance’ also winning Best Business Entry for the bar owner from Liverpool.

Using a Peugeot Boxer - which had previously been used as an ambulance - White utilised its spaciousness, turning it into a fully functioning and licensed bar. It took four days to complete the conversion during the lockdown and the inspiration came from the fact that people weren’t able to get to the pub at the time. When finished, he took the van out to serve his local community.

White said: “One thing you couldn't get in lockdown was freshly pulled pints, so the van allowed us to visit our regulars while spreading a bit of joy. It also allowed us to pay our staff in full while the bar was closed and they were furloughed. It was so lovely to see neighbours buying each other pints to say 'thank you' as they were high risk so unable to go out".

White’s wife Clare applied on his behalf when their business, The Dog House bar, had to close during restrictions.
For the conversion, White sourced solar panels, lithium batteries and the electrics from eBay and owes a debt of gratitude to the van which he says “kept us afloat” during the challenging period of recent history.

Words: Mike Booth
Pictures & Video: eBay